Ref Centre is an online referee assignment service with one purpose: to make referee assignment as easy and hassle free as possible to all parties involved.

Ref Centre offers the tools for administrators to automate and verify the entire assignment process and for referees to manage their game preferences and schedules. The end result is that game officials are appointed to appropriate games consistently, fairly, and reliably.

The Ref Centre system uses this website ( as an access point. Game officials and administrators (the users) access the service through a user login, which brings them to their respective account pages. This is where they access their Ref Centre tools and features.

At the heart of the system is a database that drives both the administrator and referee tools. Data is shared between both user types via this database; so when information is updated by one user, the result is immediately reflected in the other user's view. For example, as soon as a referee accepts a game assignment offering, the administrator will immediately see this change.

The Ref Centre database can also be integrated with other E2E Soccer products for a total end-to-end soccer management solution, giving soccer organizations the ability to provide the highest level of service to its members.
